PAUL RAYMAEKERS FOUNDATION Foundation for Public Use |
Why ? |
Why ?
Having been encouraged throughout his
career by remarkable Masters*, Paul Raymaekers, who devoted the major part of
his active life to the Third-World, set up this Foundation.
Through his
Research Office, the "Bureau d'Etudes pour un Développement Harmonisé" created
in the former Leopoldville in 1956, Paul Raymaekers always strived for social
sciences researches to be undertaken, within and for the Third-World, by
high-level european students.
He continually encouraged Third-World individuals to work for social and
humanist progress within their sphere of influence, and in addition, as an
untiring collector, he did his best to rescue material and immaterial documents
of the cultural heritage of the populations he lived with, with the goal of
having them ultimately sent back once their respective areas of origin are duly
Keen on having this task pursued after he retired, Paul Raymaekers
undertook to create the Foundation that bears his name. A process that was
initiated in 1983.
* Amongst the remarkable Masters who encouraged Paul Raymaekers, we can mention
Georges HAUMONT (1907-1981) s.j. who, for two years, strongly
supported Paul Raymaekers while he was studying Classics (1947-1949). In 1954,
Georges Haumont introduced in Belgium the (french) Conference OLIVAINT whose
main objective is to familiarise students with Public Affairs.
- Louis-Joseph
LEBRET (1897-1966), o.p., founder of the "Economie et Humanisme" movement and of
"Institut de Recherche et de Formation en vue du Développement harmonisé
(IRFED)" ; Scientific Director at the C.N.R.S. ; editor of the Pontifical
Encyclical "Populorum Progressio" concerning the Third World.
In 1963,
Louis-Joseph Lebret prefaced Paul Raymaekers' doctoral Thesis, at the University
of Louvain (UCL), on "L'Organisation des zones de squatting, élément de
résorption du chômage structurel dans les milieux urbains des pays en voie de
- Robert CORNEVIN (1919-1988), historian of Africa; Permanent
Secretary of the French Overseas Sciences Academy.
(1914-1994), founder and director of the "Collège Cooperatif" (Paris), with whom
Paul Raymaekers wrote several books on the syncretic religious movements of
Central Africa.
Amongst Paul Raymaekers' advisors, we can also mention:
Jérôme QUETS (1891-1964), Engineer-Director of the "Union Minière du
Haut-Katanga (UMHK)"; co-founder of the "Centre d'Etudes des Problèmes Sociaux
Indigènes" (CEPSI-Elisabethville).
Supervisor of Paul Raymaekers PhD Thesis
at the UCL.
- André RYCKMANS (1929-1960).
Louis JADIN (1903-1972),
historian of Africa; professor at the UCL.
Hendrik van MOORSEL (1905-1974),
c.i.c.m., préhistorian.
Ka NGWESI MASIALA (1905-1979), village chief.
Joseph DE MUNCK (1916-1988), c.s.s.r., catholic priest.
(1915-1993), Zairian Politic Office Dean.
Pierre FELDHEIM (1918-1993),
professor at the Brussels University (ULB) ; first vice-president of the BEDH.
Jean KESTERGAT (1922-1992), international reporter.