PAUL RAYMAEKERS FOUNDATION Foundation for Public Use |
The Foundation |
The Foundation
Based on his extensive professional expertise in overseas social sciences, the founder of the Foundation sought to set up a structure serving the following goals :
1° To promote non-profit-making scientific research in the field of overseas social sciences by Belgian and european students.
2° To promote significant contributions in the field of overseas social sciences by granting regular awards to persons from any country having acted remarkably in this field.
3° To continue the development of the Library created by Paul Raymaekers, and to donate it after one century to specialized institutions all around the world.
To maintain, study and develop the Collections gathered by Paul Raymaekers,
and to donate them after one century to specialized organisations in their countries
of origin.
1° According to its financial income and resources, the Foundation will grant to overseas PhD students, under 30 years of age, financial support not exceeding 10.000 Euros and renewable only once. The recipient shall provide a personal contribution of at least 1.750 Euros.
According to its financial income and resources, the Foundation will
award periodically, if possible every year, a Prize of 2500 Euros to
reward a noticeable contribution in the field of overseas social sciences.
3° According to its financial income and resources, the Foundation shall continue its development in the fields selected by its founder.
4° According to its financial income and resources, the Foundation shall continue to develop the Collections gathered by Paul Raymaekers in the fields selected by its founder.
Every year the Foundation publishes a newsletter named
« NGONGE, Carnets de Sciences Humaines ».
In the form of a new series,
this newsletter follows the « NGONGE, Carnets de Sciences Humaines »,
liaison bulletin for the scientific research offices (B.E.D.H. and B.O.P.R.)**
directed by Paul Raymaekers between 1960 and 2000. Fifty issues of the
first series have been published so far.
Other publications concerning social
sciences are published by the Foundation.
B.E.D.H. Bureau
d'Etudes pour un Développement Harmonisé,
founded at Leopoldville
in 1956 ;
and non governmental organisation, as from 1976
Discontinued in 2006.
B.O.P.R. Bureau d'Organisation de Programmes Ruraux,
Attached to the Kinshasa
University campus (1964-1985)