![]() |
N° | Author | Title | Publisher | Place | Year | Nb.P. |
1 | ALLYN, E. | The Dave Coos | Bua Luang | Bangkok | 1992 | 134 |
2 | ANATI, E. | Helan Shan (Arte rupestre della Cina) | Centro di Studi Preistorici | Capo di Ponte | 1994 | 64 |
3 | Anonyme | English - Lao Dictionary | - | Vientiane | 2000 | 523 |
4 | BAIRD, I. & Autres | The fishes of Southern Lao | M. Agric. & Forestry | Vientiane | 1999 | 160 |
5 | BASENNE, M. | In Laos and Siam | White Lotus | Bangkok | 1995 | 144 |
6 | BAYARD, D. & D. - MARSH | Pa Mong Archaelogical Survey Program | University | Otago | 1974 | 83 |
7 | BELLWOOD, P. | Prehistory of the indo-malaysian archipelago | Univ. of Hawai'i Press | Honolulu | 1997 | 385 |
8 | BENEWICK, R. - DONALD, S. | Atlas de la Chine contemporaine | Autrement | Paris | 1999 | 128 |
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10 | BERVAL, (de), R. | Kingdom of Laos (Copie) | France-Asie | SaÔgon | 1959 | 506 |
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25 | CHAZEE, L. | Atlas des ethnies et des sous-ethnies du Laos | Chazée, L. | Bangkok | 1995 | 220 |
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32 | Collectif | ASMAT (Indonesia) | Asmat Foundation | Jakarta | 1990 | 38 |
33 | Collectif | Ayutthaya | Seeda Press | Bangkok | 1990 | 96 |
34 | Collectif | Azul e branco da China (Collecçao Amaral Cabral) (Expo) | Museum | Lisboa | 1997 | 194 |
35 | Collectif | Ban Chiang Heritage | Fine Arts Dpt. | Bangkok | 0 | 223 |
36 | Collectif | Dictionnaire du Bouddhisme | Albin | Paris | 1999 | 657 |
37 | Collectif | Essays on the Culture of the Yue people | Museum | Hong Kong | 1993 | 9 |
38 | Collectif | La découverte de la Polynésie | Musée de l'Homme | Paris | 1972 | 242 |
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40 | Collectif | Luang Prabang | Seameo | Bangkok | 0 | 48 |
41 | Collectif | Luang-Prabang | Ed. d'Indochine | France | 1997 | 88 |
42 | Collectif | Mékong (après le dégel) | Autrement | Paris | 1992 | 259 |
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48 | Collectif | Thaïlande | Autrement | Paris | 1990 | 229 |
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